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A new list of adsense revenue sharing sites.  

Friday, June 26, 2009

Adsense revenue sharing',a famous online quote among people who really know the term well. Nowadays blogs,forums,sites,social bookmarking,social netwroking are offering adsense revenue sharing program in order to get more readers.However there are few drawbacks in joining such sites:
- most of the sites put a lot of rules in order to be eligible for revenue sharing.
- most of the sites are not fair enough to share your ad impressions.They manipulate page impressions and clicks.
-very few sites offer adsense revenue of 90% and 100%.

As we want to earn more from adsense,so I decided to add some adsense revenue sharing sites:
1)Mytripledub:This site is about sharing.For every post you create, you get the benefit of 70% of the ads displaying using your AdSense account. If you send people here using your referral link, and they sign up, you get an additional 10% on any of the posts they make, and they still get 70%.Seems to be a good site.(

2)Meshplex:This a site for those who love write tutorials.This is an adsense revenue sharing site.You submit tutorials and get 100% from adsense.However you are allowed to post one google ad per page.The biggest drawback is that it is a wiki site and anybody can edit your tutorials and your adsense code.(

3)Oocuz: This is another social community where you can get 100% of adsense revenue.This is a best place to promote your site and blog.However this site does not seem to have active members.(

4)Plugim:This is a user driven internet marketing community.You can share articles,stories,make friends,promote your products.You get 50% of adsense impressions.

There are more sites and very soon I will list them all after carefully reviewing them.

Are satisfied with adsense revenue sharing sharing sites?Have you seen any changes in your earnings after joing such sites?Your opinions are welcome.

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