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Make Money Online With Chitika  

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Chitika is celebrity with eMiniMalls. The ads appear under many different forms (including the same Adsense formats) and display random products with detailed information about that product. The products are filtered out from the list of products you want to show (like keywords). eMiniMalls are not advertising category by default based on the content of the website so you can use them with Adsense on the same page. The program also features shows by keyword.

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Chitika also features called Shoplinc, a tool allows you to compare prices between products to help visitors easily select the products that match their interests.

With me, I very like chitika because it has many attractive features and fit the beginners to make money online. And recent, Chitika launched a new ad format called “Chitika Premium Mega Unit” with the ad format is this blogger can increase their income by up to x20.

Click Here To Make Money Online With Chitika

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